Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Monsoons and Landscaping

IAnD Exclusive

Monsoon Special Edition

Compiled by Anuradha K. R.
Info and Images: Courtesy the architect

hard and soft landscaping

Lush green soft landscaping and the monsoons share a special bond. Building and landscape architect, Ajay Suryawanshi, shares his valuable insights on developing and maintaining landscaped areas during the monsoons; as he showcases his work with the Yarina and Jesica farms... 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Monsoon Home Décor Guide

IAnD Exclusive

Monsoon Special Edition

By Beverly Pereira
Photography: Courtesy the designers
soft furnishings from monsoon & beyond
Soft furnishings from Monsoon & Beyond

Fuss-free yet trendy home décor ideas to counter the wet weather!  

Monday, July 13, 2015

Monsoon Style Guide

IAnD Exclusive

Monsoon Special Edition

By Beverly Pereira
Photography: Courtesy the designers

raingear from sonya vajifdar and umbrella from home label

Don’t let the monsoons dampen your style. IAnD recommends these wardrobe essentials that are both, stylish and functional.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Monsoon Mania – Tips and Tricks

By Chirag Sharma
Photography: Courtesy the designers

house with swimming pool
©Space Architects

Here are some tips and tricks that will banish the mundane and the monsoon blues, leaving your home glowing with pride! 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Living with Rainwater

IAnD Exclusive

Monsoon Special Edition

By Rashmi Bharti
Photography: Courtesy Avani
avani farm in kumaon himalayas

The Avani community in Kumaon Himalayas lives on rainwater for more than seven months a year. Co-founder, Rashmi Bharti gives a first-hand account of a fulfilling sustainable living with rainwater…
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