Saturday, May 10, 2014

Design Impact - Special Edition

IAnD Exclusive

Design Impact Special

Dear Readers,

Guest Editor, Design Impact Special Edition - eminent Prof. Anil Gupta from IIM, Ahmedabad.
Prof. Anil Gupta

At India Art n Design ezine, it has been our constant effort to bring you projects, concepts, insights and breakthroughs in design per se. Starting May 14, 2014, we bring you a Special Edition called the "Design Impact Week"

Bearing in mind the fact that Design surrounds us, we have collated for you a Design Impact Special, where we attribute societal change to progression in design.  Design is everywhere. At places, it impacts very strongly and significantly, making way for interesting, intriguing design challenges that have been met with, with regard to a definitive contribution to the society at large.

We are privileged to introduce our Guest Editor for the Design Impact Special Edition - none other than the eminent Prof. Anil Gupta from IIM, Ahmedabad.

For the uninitiated, Prof. Anil Gupta is a multi-talented personality; a man who wears many hats, simultaneously, with aplomb! To begin with: He is Member, National Innovation Council, Chaired by Adviser to Prime Minister Visiting Professor of Innovation Management in Emerging Markets, European Business School, Berlin Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fellow, The World Academy of Art and Science, California 2001.

Besides, he is the Coordinator, SRISTI; Founder, Honey Bee Network and the Executive Vice Chair, National Innovation Foundation of India.

Prof. Anil Gupta brings to this platform, his vast experience, expertise and acumen in design as a tool for social change.

Our features for the Special Edition will include:
Social Relevance in Design” Special Feature by Anil Gupta
Medical cast by Turkish designer, Deniz Karasahin
Smart Highway by Roosegarde Studio  
Bubbles – Controlling air pollution by Ar. Rajat Sodhi
Gravity Sketch - augmented 3D by Gravity Team
Portable Eco-hotel by In-tenta
Hangbag by MIT students
Braille Phone by Sumit Dagar
Paper Microscope by Manu Prakash
Buffer Landscapes 2060 by Joe Paxton
Entrepreneurial Empowerment through Design -Design Clinic Scheme

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