Friday, October 18, 2013

Designing your home…

By Savitha Hira
Photography: Group Seven Architects

Designing your home by architect and designer Nitin Killawala.

A world of spaces – small and large characterises the designs of architect and designer Nitin Killawala. With unparalleled laurels over three-plus decades, he gives us a peep into his design concepts and invites you to nurture your imagination…

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pre-Diwali Special - an Overview

IAnD Exclusive

Pre-Diwali Special by Indiaartndesign
With Diwali – the festival of lights just around the bend, there is a flurry about an annual spring clean routine, wads of shopping money to be splurged, warmth in interactions and a wait for that one big festive celebratory mood that pervades everything around us.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Redefining Structural Forms

By Marina Correa
Photography: Courtesy the architect

Matrubhumi Television Studio by Malik Architecture

Possessing a dynamic visual vocabulary consisting of clean straight lines, a minimalist palette and a soothing neutral backdrop, Matrubhumi Television Studio, based at Trivandrum makes for an interesting case study…

Friday, October 11, 2013

Magical Mirrors

By Chirag Sharma
Photography: Courtesy World Wide Web

Magical Mirrors- Use of mirror in Interior design

For that little extra – visual depth, illusion of space or the sheer joy of an aesthetic add-on, the gleam and splendor of a well-appointed mirror is often the perfect finishing touch in the eclectic enhancement of an interior space.…

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wondrous Black

By Chirag Sharma
Photography: Courtesy World Wide Web

Use of colour black in interior design and decor
Black is a beautiful and naughty colour. Naughty, because it plays on your psyche in manners untold; manipulating both - your senses and your spaces...
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