Friday, August 9, 2013

RESCOM Summit – Event Report

By Team IAnD
Photography: Courtesy IDE Global

Rescom Summit 2013 -IDE Global's interior and architectural summit

IAnD has been the media partner for IDE Global's interior and architectural summits twice over and has been watching the professionalism of this B2B platform reaching out to cross-sections of the building industry across India...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nice vs. Nasty

By Marina Correa
Photography: Courtesy the architect

The Big Nasty - restaurant by Shabham Gupta

Rough finishes, exposed concrete, carved wooden creatures and graffiti-etched walls coupled with bright splashes of colour are a wicked mix of materials and textures at The Big Nasty - restaurant and bar at Bandra, Mumbai…

Friday, August 2, 2013

Fluid Architecture

By Jahnvi Sreedhar
Photography: Courtesy the architects

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

Standing at the foothills of the Vindhyas, ITM School of Business, Gwalior is a fine example of modern Indian architectural ideology. IAnD examines this traditionally-rooted concept put together by architects of Manifestation of Fluid Architecture (M:OFA).

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Museum Musings

By Marina Correa
Photography: Courtesy the architects

St Pius Museum at Goregaon(E), Mumbai

Situated below the apse of a chapel within the sprawling grounds of the St Pius seminary at Goregaon (E), Mumbai lies a tiny Christian Art Museum that showcases time-honoured Christian religious artifacts and memorabilia…

Friday, July 26, 2013

Streetscape Homeliness

By: Marina Correa
Photography: Deepshikha Jain; courtesy the architect

Residential Interior by Ar.Dhawal Malesh, SOUL Studio

Metaphorically ushering in the streetscape indoors, has given rise to a feeling of ‘living on the street’ in a plush apartment in suburban Mumbai...
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