Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nice vs. Nasty

By Marina Correa
Photography: Courtesy the architect

The Big Nasty - restaurant by Shabham Gupta

Rough finishes, exposed concrete, carved wooden creatures and graffiti-etched walls coupled with bright splashes of colour are a wicked mix of materials and textures at The Big Nasty - restaurant and bar at Bandra, Mumbai…

Friday, August 2, 2013

Fluid Architecture

By Jahnvi Sreedhar
Photography: Courtesy the architects

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

Standing at the foothills of the Vindhyas, ITM School of Business, Gwalior is a fine example of modern Indian architectural ideology. IAnD examines this traditionally-rooted concept put together by architects of Manifestation of Fluid Architecture (M:OFA).

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Museum Musings

By Marina Correa
Photography: Courtesy the architects

St Pius Museum at Goregaon(E), Mumbai

Situated below the apse of a chapel within the sprawling grounds of the St Pius seminary at Goregaon (E), Mumbai lies a tiny Christian Art Museum that showcases time-honoured Christian religious artifacts and memorabilia…

Friday, July 26, 2013

Streetscape Homeliness

By: Marina Correa
Photography: Deepshikha Jain; courtesy the architect

Residential Interior by Ar.Dhawal Malesh, SOUL Studio

Metaphorically ushering in the streetscape indoors, has given rise to a feeling of ‘living on the street’ in a plush apartment in suburban Mumbai...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

RESCOM Summit 2013


Text & Photography: Courtesy IDE Global

Rescom Summit 2013 - Pre-Event

As Online Media Partners for the RESCOM Summit 2013, India Art n Design visits the philosophy of the IDE brand of B2B sales and marketing, bringing you an exclusive preview of well-placed architects / designers attendees, speakers and more…
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