Saturday, November 4, 2017

Storage in the bedroom!

By Chirag
Photography: courtesy IAnD archives
Read Time: 1 min 30 secs
"master bedroom Arqmov Workshop indiaartndesign"
©Arquitectura en movimiento Workshop

Here are some handy hints that will help you determine the best storage solutions for your bedroom…

A well-organised storage that suits your specific needs is a matter as subjective as one’s sense of style!! While some of you may require just a few drawers and shelves, some others might not be satisfied even with ample storage all around the room. Tastes, preferences, and lifestyles differ. And deciding on the best storage requirements suitable to you is entirely a personal matter. We bring you some basics that will help you lead the way…

"golden motif zero9 indiaartndesign"
"plush bedroom zero9 indiaartndesign"

Storage may be freestanding, built-in or fitted. With built-in storage, you can make the most of your space. The room will appear better planned and the feeling of spaciousness will be enhanced. If you are one of those who prefer playing around with the layout of her room often, then the freestanding variety is suited to your needs. You may like to use chests of drawers, wooden cupboards and freestanding bedside tables that can be easily moved around. Again, there is no hard and fast rule that governs any aspect of design – an individual comfort level is the key!!

Consider these spot pointers:
Be systematic and categorise your requirements under various heads. This will help you decide whether you need drawers, shelves, cupboards and basically how many of each - how big or small and the like.

"bedrooms Arqmov Workshop indiaartndesign"
©Arquitectura en movimiento Workshop

Then address the issue of how much of your storage requirement is on a daily basis, how much periodic and how much occasional – this will help you determine the kind of cupboards or cabinets that need to be within easy access all the time. The remainder can be positioned out of the normal visual range so that a spacious and clutter free décor can be maintained.

Pay close attention to the structure of your bedroom – many a time an odd beam or column makes a perfect niche for your storage – this will also help you decide on the type of storage you can best accommodate.

The market is full of multi-functional units these days – arm yourself with a thorough survey before you arrive at a final decision. You would be surprised at what you find and may like a whole lot of them but pay special attention to what will ultimately suit your specific décor!

"modern bed designs indiaartndesign"
"compact bath tub indiaartndesign"

Although the functional aspect is important, consider aesthetics too – after all, it is the finish that first meets the eye and this should essentially be coordinated in the overall scheme of the bedroom.

Also, pay attention to the height of the people who are going to be ultimately using the room. It is important that they can easily reach for their requirements at any/all times.

"hafele aladino hidding bed indiaartndesign"

There can be hidden storage too – at the bottom of your wardrobe, and camouflaged storage too – fooling-the-eye-types. Look around, assimilate and educate yourself – or better still approach an interior designer with all your requirements.

And lastly, do not hesitate to use a mix of built-in systems, fitted and freestanding units if need be – remember – the key lies in your hands!!

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