Tuesday, September 8, 2015

JPN Monument in Lucknow - ‘a place of joy, contemplation and inspiration’

By Udita Chaturvedi
Photography: André J Fanthome; courtesy Archohm

JPN museum and monument being constructed in Lucknow by Archohm

Away from the clichés of statues and sculptures, and faintly reminiscent of the Jantar-Mantar, this linear architectural monument celebrates the spirit and leadership of social reformer Jai Prakash Narayan…

Scheduled to be opened in December 2016, the JPN (Jai Prakash Narayan) Museum in the state capital of Uttar Pradesh is a vital component of the JPN Monument and marks the entrance to the JPN International Centre, which houses facilities ranging from an aquatic and a sports centre to a business centre, hotel and museum. 

JPN museum and monument being constructed in Lucknow by Archohm
JPN museum and monument being constructed in Lucknow by Archohm

Being designed as a signature building for the city by Noida-based Archohm Consults, the linear- triangular form appears to literally emerge from the existing park, the landscape gradually morphing into the building. Said to represent equality, brotherhood and freedom, qualities that Narayan stood by; and as it appears to reach out for the skies, the structure is completely grounded and respectful of its surrounds - a strong characteristic of Narayan. At the same time, the elevation blocks direct sunlight from reaching the entrance as it shelters the monument from the existing buildings.

JPN museum and monument being constructed in Lucknow by Archohm

Its bold structure and transformative architecture is designed to symbolize the changes brought about by the political leader as well as the modernization that Lucknow is presently witnessing; as much as it said to epitomize Narayan’s ideals of bringing people together and changing the country’s political demography.

JPN museum and monument being constructed in Lucknow by Archohm

The entry to the museum is through a 20 x 9metre arch in a blank triangular facade clad with terracotta tiles. Concrete and steel are being largely used to give life to the on-paper design and earthy colours synchronize with the landscape. Inside, the double-height basement is sandwiched between two water bodies and gives a sense of the pavilion floating in water, whilst diffused natural light from the roof illuminates the interiors of the floors above.

JPN museum and monument being constructed in Lucknow by Archohm

Outside, the 27m high wedge-shaped monument is connected by ‘steps of contemplation’, which acts as an amphitheatre that terminates into a pavilion at the peak, allowing a focussed view of the JPN centre through a 8.3m long viewing tunnel at the top.

JPN museum and monument being constructed in Lucknow by Archohm

True to its vision, the museum makes one wonder about the changes one can bring about, in this case through a unique design and its playful sense of illusion, which gives rise to different perspectives and juxtaposition of functions.


  1. Very interesting structure with its different facets and angles. The interplay of light and shadow inside too should be interesting. Reflects the imminent modernity with its sharp, unapologetic angles. Interactive too with the steps and water bodies inviting people to come hither
