Thursday, July 9, 2015

Let us bust those monsoon myths!

IAnD Exclusive

Monsoon Special Edition
By Team IAnD
beautiful mountain road in rains
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We begin the Monsoon Special Issue by busting some popular myths! Read on to ensure you bask in truly relaxed monsoon mania…

When the clouds are dark and the earth revels in its subtle muddy fragrance – the powerful smell of fresh rain gives birth to a lot of quirky, hitherto forgotten desires… But sadly, with this feel-good come the not-so-appreciated thoughts that are more banal, telling us what to do and what ideally not to do!

‘Ideally’ is the catchword here and so Team IAnD set out to banish the clichés and bust some do-me-nots! Our extensive research is backed by expert advice from none other than stalwart Ar. Nitin Killawala with select inputs from one of India’s leading paint companies, Asian Paints.

carpentry work in progress
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Myth # 1: Carpentry work is not advisable during the rains as furniture tends to swell up.
Fact: If the basic materials like Teak wood, Ply, etc. are well seasoned, treated and of reputed make, then there is no worry for seasonal temperature variation.   

construction work in progress
©franz architekten 

building exterior
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Myth #2: Do not do any interior or exterior plastering and painting during monsoon. In short, do not think about renovating your home in the rainy season. 
Fact: These days paint materials and other exterior finishes do not require longer drying or curing time. It is only at the time of application and couple of hours thereafter that the surface should be dry. 

Myth #3: The Air Conditioner is useless during monsoon
Fact: Air conditioners come with many modes that include the Hot and Cold mode, Monsoon comfort mode, where even during the high humidity of the rainy season they give perfect cooling by de-humidifying the air inside the room. In cold climes, they can be effectively used as heaters. However, during Monsoon general atmosphere is very humid and may create problems of condensation on smoother surfaces such as glass, marbles etc.

sculpture suspended from a skylight
©Nitin Killawala 

Myth #4: Remove all indoor plants during the monsoon season; they tend to increase moisture inside the home
Fact:   The rainy season is the best time for plants to show healthy growth. Maintain your indoor plants by wiping clean the leaves and watering them right. Their lush foliage will brighten up a gloomy rainy day! Moreover, plants may not be the only reason for increased moisture inside the home.

hard wood flooring
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Myth #5: Hardwood floors - both faux wood and real wood – tend to show warping during the rains.

Fact: Once again, when seasoned wood is used, one need not worry about seasonal temperature variations.

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Myth #6: It is a wasted effort to waterproof a small affected area; waterproofing should always be done for the entire room.
Fact: While it is not required to waterproof the entire room for a localized problem, it is recommended that a certain portion of wall surrounding the affected area is also treated. This is because water finds the path of least resistance and if you treat only the affected area, there is a chance that the same problem crops up on an adjacent area. Typically treating an additional area of about 2ft on all sides of affected area is sufficient.

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Myth # 7: Waterproofing work is not recommended during the monsoons.
Fact: While some waterproofing activities like coating of roofs and other exterior surfaces can’t be carried out while it rains, one can still make his or her home monsoon proof by undertaking a few waterproofing activities inside their homes. All the windows and door frames should be made crack and gap free using good quality sealants. The interior walls should be made crack free using good quality crack fillers (and not just putty). If an interior wall is already affected by moisture and has damp patches appearing on it, one can use interior waterproofing products, which will help restore the beauty of the walls.

So folks, quit the blame game and rejoice in renovations, new homes and new construction. Despite the rain, work can go on during the intermittent dry spells and based on the specifics of the work to be carried out, one can gauge the requisite time for curing and drying. Expert advise is always recommended!

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