Tuesday, April 28, 2015


By Marina Correa
Photography: Shamanth J Patil; courtesy Gaurav Roy Choudhury Architects
Living room

Inspired by his client’s eclectic outlook in life, architect Gaurav Roy Choudhury has designed an intellectually stimulating ‘Frame house’ for a Bangalore-based nuclear family…

This 2,600 sq ft, renovation-cum-interior duplex project for a young couple and their daughter follows a bespoke design statement that initiated from a glaring site limitation – an only ‘blocked’ light-facing source towards the north end!
Double-height dining area

Quite naturally, starting with opening this side and allocating the cut-out to allow a flood of natural light to permeate the house via the double height dining area, the architects turned this into the epicentre of the home, visually connecting it to the upper level as well.
Double-height dining area allows passage of natural light

The design idea is projected as ‘frame-within-frame’ that subtly comprises the backdrop; but enigmatically captures movements and expressions of the family members. For instance, these frames are embedded as wardrobes, walls, partitions, windows, niches etc; overlapping or hugging spaces as one meanders through the house.
staircase area visually binding the two levels
material treatment

In terms of materials used, exposed concrete, kota stone, sandstone and cement act as an earthy contrast against the clean and crisp lines of the frames.

A mix of volumetric, spatial and three-dimensional experiences coupled with the interplay of light, be it in the courtyard, dining area, living room, daughter’s room, master bedroom, AV room, kitchen etc. makes every composition a unique, sensory narrative.
bedroom in pink

Interestingly, the bottom portion of the wall in the daughter’s bedroom has been crafted into her play area, while the top frames a study niche. Furthermore, the colour pink is pronounced via the niches as is the treatment of colour used similarly throughout the home; leaving the rest of the walls neutral, so that its varied frames enunciate an eloquent language in this multifaceted home. 

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