Tuesday, March 31, 2015

An Affair with Spatial Dynamics!

By Zoya
Photography: Courtesy the architect

the circular enclosure of the dining room and its detail inside

A Tamil Nadu bungalow boasts of a design centred around reconstitution of three-dimensional form, geometric shapes and fluidity - in short an affair with spatial dynamics!

Ar. Prasanna Parvatikar has designed an 8,300 sq.ft. house for his client, Mr. Dinesh, in Dindigul city of Tamil Nadu. The house had a vaastu-abiding conventional plan with curves in the exterior and interior in the form of circular columns and balcony – an element that appealed greatly to the clients.
curvilinear passages
view of dining room from foyer

So, responding to the client’s brief to “dress up the house” but “without disturbing its structure”, Ar. Prasanna of Tirupur-based practice ‘Cubism’, has introduced a curvilinear pattern - a “fluid flooring” that dilutes the rigid divisions between rooms; the pattern, embracing the entire house as it sneaks into different spaces in the form of flooring, walls, partitions, ceiling and skylight  
foyer at entrance; approach to dining area and inside view of dining area

Dining being the strategic core of the house, Prasanna has introduced a circular wall to break the straight-line concept dividing the foyer and dining. Complementing this circular dining wall, a dark curvilinear floor pattern wraps up the frequently used common passage, the mood and space augmented by a wooden false ceiling with cove lighting along its periphery; naturally spilling onto the common areas.
staircase and view of swimming pool
lighting design

A play of light, meanwhile, through scattered vertical slits in the walls, circular skylights, recessed lights, circular chandeliers and double-height walls not only allows ample daylight to filter in, but also enthuses moody evenings. Floor-to-ceiling glass windows take this element of openness forward, allowing nature to flow into the space.
beautifully connecting the spacious interior to the exterior - the bedroom
living room

Curvilinear forms juxtapose with straight lines in the design of the foyer, bedrooms, washrooms and swimming pool area, generating subtle drama, creating illusions and adding layers, making the already spacious bungalow look bigger; whilst they improve visual connectivity in the common areas.
artistic highlight in passage and glass bridge
double height in living area

The home comes across as a studied balance of design and décor elements, where clutter is totally eliminated and spatial relationships – area-to-area as well as human to built-form ratio is calibrated to cull the ethos of contemporary materials and ambience within a timeless blueprint.

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