Friday, June 27, 2014

Monsoon Colours

By Chirag Sharma
Photography: Courtesy World Wide Web

Monsoon and it's colours

Set the trend this monsoon - decorate with flamboyant colours…  

Monsoon is the season of rejuvenation. With the showers come the blossoming flowers and earthy aromas of all things bright and beautiful. Can colours in the home be far behind? Here’s an uptake on the colorful moods of the monsoon…

Monsoon and it's colours

Monsoon and it's colours

The monsoons are almost here and our world is a riot of colours!! Colours in the deep red and yellow hues of the bell peppers – colours in the deep purple flowers that abound – colours in the vivid raincoats and umbrellas that surround us…phew, can we go on!!

Monsoon and it's colours

The heat is on its way out and with it comes the time to discard our pristine whites, and adapt to more vibrant dyes. The pastel, pale, monochrome images of the summer are replaced by bright, multi-coloured hues of the rainy season. A bright sunny look bestows high spirits upon your home and yourself and ushers in the romance in your life. Here’s how…
Monsoon and it's colours

Colour Blocking: With the pleasant, warm and wet monsoon, nature changes its colours from the burnt oranges, yellows and dusty pale browns to brilliant vibrant greens, rich muddy browns, deep reds, the bright yellows of flowers and pale bright greens of new shoots. These colours can be reflected in the our décor schemes by a process of linking – where several tonal variations of a single shade, say, green (to go with the season) may be used as a solid block of colour on the floor in one room; in throw cushions in another; in a pattern on the wall-hanging in the next; and in the bedspread or draperies or table cloth or crockery as the case may be, in yet another part of the home.

Monsoon and it's colours

Monsoon and it's colours

Combine in Style: Another way of bringing in the bright hues of the season are via a combination of colours used in different ways in different areas of the home – carefully maintaining a consistency and fluency throughout. For example, let us say we use a burgundy on one wall in the entrance passage or on the facing wall as you enter the living room, a thick piled pale bluish-green underfoot rug near the sitting, and a golden yellow accessory close by; then we also use the similar combination of yellows, blues and reds, on bedroom walls, ceiling, lampshades, throws; cushion and bolster covers or even coloured glass artifacts; When a set of colours are combined with rich carpets of silk, wall hangings of exquisite paint and appliqué, awnings of brightly coloured cottons and painted cane screens, the overall effect can be absolutely stunning.

Monsoon and it's colours
Monsoon and it's colours

Take your pick: The sparkling colours that can be dynamically considered in your décor during this season are:
Deep burgundy, gold, garnet, coral greens, olive green, indigo blue, purple red and orange. Irrespective of the materials in question – pure cottons, silks, damask, velvet, leather… and irrespective of the mode in question – artifact, sculpture, painting, plant, fresh flowers, bright coloured coasters and place mats, coloured glass… any bright colour that can command the enthusiasm - vitality - radiance in the home is welcome with eager arms!!

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