Friday, January 17, 2014

NID Young Designers 2013

By Tanishka Kachru
Photography: Courtesy NID

 NID Young Designers 2013
Projects by NID Young Designers 2013

The 2013 graduating batch of young designers from National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, are yet another bunch of design enthusiasts teeming with works and ideas that show a maturity and sensitivity that one will hopefully power a design enabled India into the 21st century.

From imagining solutions for future global challenges, to solving challenges that India faces today, these young designers carry NID’s legacy into the professional world armed with the basics of design and a sound knowledge base that permeates almost everything beyond design, equipping them to think and design holistically.

IAnD brings you a mere peek into the design fare from 300-odd students and invites you check out the deep fragmentation of inputs that build design thought in tandem with societal requirements and ethos. Who knows, some of these may actually go on to work wonders in the new dawn.

 NID Young Designers 2013
Traveling Museum

Exhibition Design
Student: Farzan Dalal
Purpose: To create a travelling exhibition for display in various public and semi-public spaces in Gujarat. To replace the inertness and monumental aspect usually associated with museums, and by lively engagement of local youth. 
Project: Two exhibitions, ‘The Stone’ and ‘Undressing’ analyze human conditioning as a social imperative in today’s scenario of violent societies. While the latter is a reactive installation, its primary objective is to help people ‘undress’ their inhibitions, hatred, prejudices and reticence. This interactive street-art installation is intended as a dialogue space, where people voice their opinions and exchange thoughts.

 NID Young Designers 2013

Graphic Design
Student: Natasha Taraporevala
Purpose: To minimize severe health consequences that arise from open defecation.
Project: A whopping 626 million Indians defecate in the open. This campaign seeks to make people lose their inhibitions regarding open defecation, make it socially acceptable to talk about it and mobilize the urban youth towards contributing to this cause through donations or volunteering.
Branding for the campaign has taken shape in the form of a poop-shaped logo. A toilet map app with which people can find public toilets and rate them is developed, with a strategic intent to increase awareness in people about the sorry state of affairs in public sanitation. A Facebook page that welcomes user contribution and encourages members to have debates is another positive step in this direction.
 NID Young Designers 2013
Yakshagana Narratives

Photography Design
Purpose: Creating Narratives on Yakshagana,  a traditional theatre form that combines dance, music, dialogue, costume, make-up and stage techniques in a unique style.
Project: involves creating a pictorial representation of various study materials and existing traditional art forms, which offer a scope to create a new medium of communication. A mural is made to portray a visual narrative by utilizing design patterns of ornamentations related to the Yakshagana. The entire project is based on several interpretations of the works of celebrated scholars from the fields of theatre, photography, painting and literature.

 NID Young Designers 2013
Better Business through Design Intervention

Ceramic & Glass Design
Student: Pallavi Chandra
Purpose: To take the company’s existing product to a new level of improvement through design intervention.
Project: After analyzing current market trends and existing studio infrastructure, it was decided to work on a range of pendant lights of varying sizes to add to the clients’ portfolio. Inspiration is drawn from various sources like flowers, spinning tops, Islamic architecture and Indian temples to create glass lamps made with the Lathe blowing technique. 

 NID Young Designers 2013
Infant Warmer

Product Design
Purpose: To identify the key challenges in neonatal care in health care facilities and reduce infant mortality rate in developing countries.
Project: A premature infant after birth needs to be kept thermo-neutral at 37 degree Celsius. But in developing countries access to an infant warmer is limited by geographical distances and cost. 
The designed capsule is a portable infant warming device, which  can be transported easily to facilities in remote areas. It uses convection heating for infant warming and shields the infant from the adverse effects of the surrounding environment. In this way it provides quality healthcare and ensures a healthy recovery for every premature infant.

 NID Young Designers 2013
Ferrocement garden furniture

Furniture & interior Design
Student: AditiAgarwal
Purpose: Given the durability, cost-effectiveness, low maintenance and flexibility of the material, the project aimed to make a public park bench in ferrocement. 
Project: An effective two-way communication with the workers, exchanging suggestions and getting feedback from them led to an effective prototyping process, wherein latent flaws were corrected to make for a smoother process and a better product. The end product was made using a single mould for storage efficiency, easy stacking and transportation. Besides having an aesthetic appeal, the ergonomic form allows comfortable seating and reclining positions.

 NID Young Designers 2013
Textile Art

Textile Design
Purpose: To develop textile-art wall decorations and installations for various personal spaces at the clients’ house.
Project: Laying emphasis on the methodology of an open-ended approach, while focusing essentially on the aesthetics of the design, explorations were made on a cosmic theme based on the contemporary meaning and purpose of Jainism in an increasingly material world. A deeper understanding into the needs, psyche, religious and cultural background of the client provided valuable leads for developing the installations. Various elements of Gujarati architecture and culture, spiritual principles of Jainism, soothing representations of water and earth have been incorporated into the artworks, which are now translated into textile installations.

 NID Young Designers 2013
Projection Mapping

New Media Design
Student: Suvani Suri
Purpose: To explore the technology of Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) more commonly known as Projection Mapping
Project: is an experiential installation that tells the tale of modern music and its evolution as a direct response to advances in sound technology and playback media. Through an immersive audio-visual experience, it fuses the style of traditional murals and environmental graphics with experimental video and audio manipulation techniques. Once embedded with tangible interactions, the wall becomes a living and breathing space that narrates a tale in an engaging manner. 

The writer, Tanishka Kachru is a faculty member of Communication Design and coordinator of Exhibition Design at NID, Ahmedabad. 

To view all student projects, visit

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