Wednesday, September 25, 2013

India Pavilion at LDF13 – the first milestone

IAnD Exclusive

By Team IAnD

India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

Anything new has its hiccups and halos. We bring you a low down on our very first international event – the India Pavilion at LDF2013, and solicit your best wishes in helping us take larger steps in this direction of fostering Indian art and design on the international platform…

The participation has been select; but the excitement wondrous! Starting from the venue with its strategic location near the Waterloo Bridge, Southbank Centre seemed to come alive to frenetic activity from 15th Sept itself, in preparation for the opening on 18th Sept’13.

India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

With Southbank Centre as an important venue in the London Design Festival 2013, as a first, India Pavilion, was set up with two other international participations – one from Sweden and the other Mexico.  

India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

The opening night launched the exhibition with much fanfare, what with the inaugural address by Swedish Ambassador, Ms. Nicola Clase, followed by one from Head of Southbank, Ms. Jude Kelly, each adding their special ‘recognition value’ to the show. A highly entertaining evening with a great atmosphere, the opening night also saw the involvement of UK Beat Box champion Reeps One.

The exhibitions were ably augmented by a well-orchestrated seminar programme,  as well as a  series of workshops conducted by Designersblock that added to the event providing great public participation with visitors coming in from India, Malaysia, China and across Europe.

India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design
India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design
India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design
India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

At the India Pavilion, we had visitors intrigued by the fine art on display as much as they nodded their affirmations of our grassroots innovators’ products from National Innovation Foundation-India, on display. We had excellent visitor numbers including many delegates from important organizations, professionals and public.
India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

People from major companies like Dulux, Heineken, Philips, Paul Smith, Selfridges, and Liberty visited the show. Among several accolades for the designers, the mounting of India Pavilion with its satin and brocade banners that seemed to stand out among the many flex drop-downs was well received by the audience. A highlight was a visit from photographer Paul Barnfather, who captured Yamin Mohiuddin’s reflection in his Peacock Console with alacrity.
India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design

“Keeping the production quality very high for the show, underlines the fact that we understand key issues facing operators in the sector,” informs Piers Roberts of Designersblock. “A review of business done will emerge over time but understanding the diverse values of participation and how well these were achieved is a better measure of success,” he concludes.
India Pavilion at LDF2013 by India Art n Design
Do keep a watch over on our Face Book event page as we will be able to provide access to more images in due course, when we have had our team sort things out to put some together for you.  

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