Friday, August 23, 2013

Guard against Over-decorating

By Chirag Sharma
Photography: Courtesy Word Wide Web

Guard against Over-decorating
Chic & Understated

Have a spacious home and a restrict-me-not pocket? Well, here are some pertinent pointers to help you guard against over-decorating…

Very often, we are overwhelmed with the vast selection of accessories and functional items that could go into our homes to make it a brighter place with all possible conveniences at hand. It is very easy to get carried away and especially so, if you are not tied down by a budgetary constraint, to buy all and sundry in the hope of decorating your home in the most fashionable way.

Overdoing the décor takes away from the ambience by crowding vision and thereby creating a sense of confusion and irritation. So, while you visit and imbibe all the ‘in’ things in the market today, let your sense of aesthetics be guided by these handy spot pointers to guard against over decorating:

Guard against Over-decorating
Colour and material contrast

Create a contrast: While placing an artifact, if the surface is a dark one like a walnut polished wooden console, try placing a glass object on it, not a wooden one.  Create a break between the two surfaces for effect.

Guard against Over-decorating
Simple juxtaposition

Design the mood: Open up a closed space by de-cluttering the area. Conversely, add a thing or two to enhance an otherwise sombre room. At times, just the inclusion of a tall potted plant makes a big difference to the mood of the décor.

Guard against Over-decorating
Simultaneously bright and soothing
Tap visual appeal: If you are using cushions around the living and bedrooms – create an appealing juxtaposition of colour, pattern and texture.

Guard against Over-decorating
 Antique cast iron cow as door stopper

Think out-of-the-box: Are you a lover of antiques? Look for ways to add to your home besides the usual mantelpieces and coffee table decorating ideas. Use individual pieces of art like say an old steam iron or small stone sculpture as a door stopper instead. It is bound to stop the guest in his tracks too!

Guard against Over-decorating
Guard against Over-decorating
Eclectic findings

Style Up: Look for style in everything you buy – dustpans, dog bowls, scrub brushes… But careful, don’t mix too many colours and patterns – they will jar! Familiarize yourself with various decorating styles and see what you can achieve within the limitations of your home. Learn the difference between hot and trendy. Trendy items may be hot but their appeal will be short lived - like throws on the divan or the sofa. Slate floors, however, may be all the rage, but you can still live with them when they're no longer hot. 

Guard against Over-decorating
'Style is individual'

In short – do not bring in everything you set your sights on – first determine whether it will ‘fit’ into your décor. A wicker lampshade may seem exquisite in its beauty but will never gel with a traditional European setting; or a heavily carved chest will be a total misfit in a sleek contemporary ambience. ‘Less is more’ and ‘More is more’ – both schools of thought are valid. The idea is to pick any one of them and religiously stick to it!


  1. well said. couldnt agree more!!

  2. You raise some good points. Would it also be prudent to ask where one's eye should be directed to, or establish some sort of focal point, when designing?
