Friday, August 2, 2013

Fluid Architecture

By Jahnvi Sreedhar
Photography: Courtesy the architects

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

Standing at the foothills of the Vindhyas, ITM School of Business, Gwalior is a fine example of modern Indian architectural ideology. IAnD examines this traditionally-rooted concept put together by architects of Manifestation of Fluid Architecture (M:OFA).

The institutional campus is contextual, with a parasol roof, traditional jaalis and strung courtyards along with an orientation that makes the architectural response to the elements very apt and green. With a strong belief in building on our roots, and without compromising on the aesthetics of the educational campus; with due consideration to the region’s sub-tropical climate and tuned in to technologically advanced current-day practices, architects at M:OFA have intelligently employed locally available resources and craft set to a contemporary design.  It is intriguing to see the use of traditional jaali work to avoid the blazing sun and creating chiaroscuro elements that are natural add-ons.

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

Realizing a design theory, where architectural realms are redefined beyond the rules of regularized grids, dimensions and principles, M:OFA treats architecture as a “living organism that adapts and responds to its surroundings.”  The ground plus one structure with its clean grey walls, amoebic sculpturous water body, and modern landscape blobs on the floor, are design metaphors in the rigid world of business. Also incorporated are the basics of conservation and recycling to cut carbon emissions.

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

Working on a tight budget, indigenous adaptations integrate traditional building practices with a local material palette and an evocative landscape program that acclimatizes the building by lowering ambient temperatures; together, making for a sustainable footprint.

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA

With national and international applause to it’s credit, M:OFA , focuses on aesthetics of structure with ‘sustainability’ and ‘financial feasibility’ as their pillars of strength.

ITM School of Business, Gwalior by M:oFA


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