Friday, May 3, 2013

Memes – Versatile!

By Preet Rajdeo


Memes are no longer mere ‘imitations’ for a passing laugh. We see their rampant use in conveying deep thought processes in a light-hearted manner, sans compromising the impact. IAnD does a little think-aloud…

If you don’t call traffic of seven million success, then what do you? Content marketers are boggled by the success that a few websites see and most others don’t. showcases a large variety of memes and sure it is a humour-based website, but content marketers can learn a lesson or two from their ratings.



Using humorous memes in general gets things across much easier while selling a product to a potential customer. But the usage of memes doesn't stop at forwarding a funny picture to your WhatsApp contact or posting one on Facebook. Memes are now being used to create interactive platforms and encourage social dialogue.

We witnessed it when everybody changed their profile pictures to a black dot to show their support for Nirbhaya, the rape victim or a simple "equal to" sign to show their support for homosexuality.


Memes are being used in almost all spheres of design including product. Most of us are familiar with ‘X all the Y’ cartoon memes; but Cactus designs tweaked the concept to make a series of amusing ‘All Things Notebook’.


Who would have thought that a slogan used in World War 2, “Keep Calm and Carry On” would end up going viral on the internet? One such Sharene Lewis Santos, who had been on the receiving end of the slogan decided to take it a step further by printing it on T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies. They spread like wild-fire.


So, inspirational gigs or design inclemency? You decide.

Photography: Courtesy World Wide Web

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