Saturday, November 17, 2012

Apply Feng Shui Secretly

By Chirag Sharma

Do not let outside influences weaken your beliefs in Feng Shui. Learn about the mid-way compromise…

Feng Shui seems to have created a niche in many a heart if not the home. There are the believers – some swear-by-it types, some halfhearted in their attempts and then there are the non-believers – some softhearted with regard to selective principles yet reticent to see eye-to-eye with the science as a whole.

Here, we bring you the go-between. The mid-way compromise that will make implementing the principles of Feng Shui easier in your everyday living. Your friends and relatives need not know anything about your penchant until and unless you wish to inform them.


Just as there are the overt or obvious solutions like the toad, bamboo plant, a chime, mandarin ducks, and coins, etc., that are outward symbols of various Feng Shui remedies, there are also subtle ways in which you can effect Feng Shui remedies in your house and office without the knowledge of those around you.


Very simply, here is a list of what you can do to harness the positive energies subtly but surely:

  • See that you do not have two or more openings – doors, windows etc., aligned in a straight line with the entrance. If there are any, quietly make sure that one of them is shut at all times, or if possible, you could have a stained glass panel set in as a decorative element or even a screen to shut off the direct passage. This will avoid the positive energy from escaping after it has entered your domain.


  • Have an attractive center table. Keep it as uncluttered as possible.


  • Arrange your furniture items in a manner that offers a smooth flow of space. Avoid setting things in straight lines. Allow the energy to meander through the rooms.


  • Place a family photograph in your living room or a couple’s photograph in your bedroom. This brings harmony into the relationship and signifies togetherness.


  • Make your own attractive water body to add the element of water into your home. It may be a glass bowl, an earthen pan, or an antique utensil from your grandmother’s kitchen. Make sure that the water remains fresh and is changed everyday.    

  • Use fresh flowers as often as possible.  


  • Make sure that you always sit facing the entrance no matter what!


  • Use colour to your best advantage.  


The fundamental rule to follow is that a careful application of the principles of Feng Shui are a must for best results; which means that you have to first determine the relative areas and position of the elements in your premises with the help of a mariner’s compass and once established, you may proceed to do your bit.

When placed correctly, the positive forces of energy are channelized for the benefit of the family and conversely when placed incorrectly, there is every possibility of negativity at play. We sincerely advise that you seek professional help prior to haphazardly following any bookish advice. Remember, every individual is unique and so is every problem and solution.

Information: courtesy Dr. Lizia Batla, Feng Shui Expert.
Photography: courtesy World Wide Web


  1. wonderful article.can really apply these to daily life:)

  2. Feng Shui Is A Powerful Life Element:

  3. The video is a series of still photographs describing the Feng Shui successes and challenges at a commercial property in Reno, Nevada. feng shui


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