Saturday, December 10, 2011

House of Organics

By Pari Syal

In a growing marketplace of innovative and re-inventive design measures in the retail industry, comes a modest, smartly clad store, where the interiors are the perfect trim to the display and experience of the products...

With the increasingly health conscious average Indian making no bones about spending an extra buck on healthy food, organic foodstuffs are getting better with a premium on brands and quality.

The new store Organic Haus predominantly offers organic food from Germany & Austria. With its flagship store unveiled in Ahmedabad in November 2011, the chain proposes to soon open shutters in Mumbai, amongst other cities.

Spread across approx. 3000 sq. ft., the interiors follow a simple grid format anointed with straight-line geometric forms. Low-height open display vies for attention amidst a no-nonsense seating arrangement in the central area and is well augmented by higher open display shelving units in the periphery. The light-coloured wooden flooring and the white shell form a tested backdrop to the graphic elements that promote the produce.

The store is well lit and the spaciously eased out products don’t overkill - this certainly comes as a breather from other overly-stuffed generic displays that tend to meet the eye. From the point of view of an ideal retail framework, the design allows flexibility both, in terms of product display and proposed reorganisation, if required. In fact, the small reference to sampling fresh juices and seasoned snacks, etc., at the store premises at leisure, creates quite a bonding between the ‘looker’ and ‘buyer’, and seems to be a well integrated sales element in the subtle emotional realm of the Indian mindset.

All in all, the store design communicates a subtle vocabulary ideally highlighting its products; the singular element of colour – with just a touch of green and red set off against the ochre labels of the bottled produce lends the store a youthful and happy ambience.

1 comment :

  1. personally, looks old not fresh, they are coping stuff we did 10 years ago
    basic to the point of nothing
    Posted by Maxine on linkedin Group: The Decoration Nation® - Connect. Build. Grow.™
